I am currently in the process of forming a collective after acquiring control of the first floor of an old warehouse in Cheetham Hill, Salford. It consists of a main hall, 4 studio-size rooms and tons more space with which we plan to build more rooms according to interest and needs of the clientele / residents. The long-term plan is to transform the building into an eco-friendly hub for creative and community activities. Should we generate enough income from the first floor, we have the option to acquire the ground floor which is one big concrete hall, and further still, the building next door. Rates will be competitive, negotiable and of course dependant on requirements.
We are looking for people to use the space ASAP, operating within social distancing guidelines, or to arrange use the space post-lockdown. If you're interested then please contact me via DM on here or SMS if you have my number. You can also email me at sdavies265@gmail.com. The kinds of things we expect to host, not limited to...
- music - photography / videography - theatre - visual art - performance art - dance (currently no mirrors however) - crafts - left-wing political community groups - yoga / meditation / wellbeing groups - other activity-based community groups / classes / workshops etc. - luthiers - storage space
Please share this around whether you're interested or not - we need more initiatives like this in Manchester for the good of the creative community.
Take care, Shaun. ❤️