Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, I've had to miss out on something that I was looking forward to very much - soundinitiative ensemble and students of Conservatoire de Paris performing the revised version of deeply doppling (for laptops and bluetooth speakers) in Paris. The performance would have been happening this week, but alas!
Anyway, we figured we should still do something together during lockdown and I'm now working on a brand new piece which they will premiere as part of a KINETIC online event alongside pieces by Jessie Marino, Alexander Schubert and more.
Recently I've been thinking about instruments and objects as resonating chambers for microphones and filters for field recordings. Right now I'm probably closer to nature than ever before - I've had this connection for a long time but it's growing much stronger these days. Nature has this wonderful healing energy that it seems many of us are realising / embracing in these times of isolation, and I feel (and really hope!) that a newly found appreciation of green spaces across the board will be accentuated when it comes to rebuilding society post lockdown.
For this piece I've been mainly focusing on capturing the sounds of river flow (weirs, waterfalls, choppy waters etc.) through brass instruments prepared in various ways with a microphone placed inside, exploring a variety of drones and gradually narrowing down the options in seeking a drone for this piece, upon which layers of sustained pitched sounds (instrumental, voices and sine tones) based on a spectral analysis of the drone, will be superimposed.
It's quite a fun project so far - looking forward to observing how it plays out. soundinitiative will be premiering it this Summer - date TBC. Can't wait to see how they interpret it.
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